2019 Goals and Inspiration
Wow, 2018 flew by and I didn’t even get a chance to really get this blog off the ground! One of my resolutions in 2019 is to do a better job of blogging at least once a month and FINALLY writing about Argentina, Peru, Africa and Nepal. For those of you who subscribed to this blog over a year ago, I sincerely apologize as I have done such a poor job of keeping up with things.
Today, as I kick off 2019, I wanted to write about new years resolutions, goals, and being kinder to ourselves. I am really excited about a couple of adventures I will be taking this year and able to share with you! I will be headed back to Nepal to volunteer with my friends Jess and Elmer and possibly a surprise guest or two! We will be volunteering in a village that struggles with sex trafficking. I am really excited to get to know and photograph some of the young girls there and to hear and share their stories with you. I will also be trekking to Annapurna base camp and exploring a different side of Nepal! These adventures would not be possible without the help of my friend Som, who runs an amazing company called Take On Nepal. I will also be heading to Jamaica to document the construction of houses for the impoverished population, which I am REALLY excited about because I have never been to Jamaica!
With all these new adventures on the horizon, I had to set some New Years Resolutions with resonated with my goals and the person that I hope to become over the next year.
1.) This year I want to be stronger mentally and emotionally. I have a habit of allowing myself to invest all of my emotional energy into the people I care about and 2018 left me feeling drained and empty. In order to protect myself a little more, I am beginning to invest a little more energy into myself and the things that I want and need. Although cutting toxic people and things out of your life can be tough to do completely, sometimes action needs to be taken in order to grow and heal. Having love for people who through their actions or lack of action, drains you of your self esteem, energy, and confidence can be just as damaging as being in a toxic relationship. Sometimes we need to let go of the people we love. In 2019, I need to put myself first, and let go of the people who have damaged me.
2.) Goodbye Self Doubt! In 2019 I want to be the best version of me possible. I want to give my all to my job, photography business, and volunteer work without any hesitation. I want to stay the path and keep my focus on the things that matter the most to me. I want to acknowledge my worth as a photographer, as a friend and human being and to never allow myself to feel taken for granted or used. I have always struggled with self doubt, but 2018 was a doozy of a year in terms of allowing my insecurities to take the front seat and drive my actions. I allowed the actions of others to affect the way that I interacted with them. I wasn’t confident enough to stand up for myself most of the time. In 2019, I want confidence guide me and my path. Goodbye to self doubt!
3.) Let Passion Drive You! 2018 was a year for growth, but I also got very side tracked a lot of the time. Being social is important to me, but not at the cost of my creativity. Sometimes we can lose focus on the here and now, but in 2019, I will do better at maintaining a balance and prioritizing creativity over the occasional hangover - I hope there are far fewer in the future!
So there you have it. I have written down and now committed to these resolutions heading into 2019. I am looking forward to making new friends and living in the present! I can’t wait to share more information on my travels and experiences with you :-)